
Double Sens

Double Sens explores the evocative power of sensual jersey that deliciously determines what it wishes to reveal by gracing intimacy with a dazzling veil. By engaging in delicate innuendoes, it invites us to a realm where eloquent duality reigns. Through its innocent prelude, it embraces intimacy with suggestive tenderness. It pursues with a dash of enigmatic irony, inspiring perspicacious musing, where ethereal sheerness diffuses a delectable tale. A "double sens" unfolds, awakening perception, the spirit, instinct, emotions. It elicits fantasy, infusing ultra-softness with sensorial voluptuousness, bestowing a silky feel on each creation. This collection, echoing Maison Close's iconic designs, invokes personal duality. Subtle, sine qua non lingerie, to adorn like a second skin or to flaunt with daring style. Each piece in the collection, crafted in fine, high-sheen, exquisitely-transparent jersey, features the golden signature of Maison Close's logo, epitomizing refinement. A celebration of the very essence of intimacy, where cardinal and audacious merge in an elusive dance of styles and senses... double entendre.

"Double Sens explores the evocative power of sensual jersey that deliciously determines what it wishes to reveal by gracing intimacy with a dazzling veil."

"A celebration of the very essence of intimacy, where cardinal and audacious merge in an elusive dance of styles and senses... double entendre."


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